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第109章 制卡师

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Yun Feixue explained.

\"this is a bloodline pill, which can greatly develop the potential in the body of demon beasts and promote their growth.\"

\"You can exchange some ninth-order bloodline pills later, and feed the demon pets with this, and their strength will grow rapidly.\"

Gu hua nodded, it seems that he really has to exchange some bloodline pills after this.

\"oh, by the way, one more thing.\" , Saying that, Yun Feixue took out three brand new uniforms from his storage crystal card and handed them to the three.

\"this is the uniform of our Shanhai Academy, which has the function of automatic cleaning, and it is not invaded by fire and water, as long as you are still in Shanhai Academy, you can't take it off.\"

\"that's all, then you rest tonight, tomorrow I will take you to see master wang, and let master wang guide you on how to choose your major.\"

Saying that, he ignored the three and directly took the small coal into his villa.

Seeing Yun Feixue walking away, Gu hua relaxed.

\"Junior Sister xiao mengmeng, Junior brother xiao Yueyue, I will rest first for my brother, see you tomorrow.\"

Gu hua pretended for a moment, and then walked into his villa with his back hand.

\"depend, what kind of senior brother are you, and call me xiao Yueyue evil is not disgusting.\" Ji Jiangyue's mouth was unforgiving, and he plained.

but in fact, after Gu hua beat himself up, he also noticed that Gu hua's strength was good, especially spiritual power and martial arts

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站内强推渔港春夜 都市极乐后后宫 御女天下 明星潜规则之皇 豪门风流秘史 福艳之都市后宫 穿越豪门之娱乐后宫 明星系列多肉小说 魔艳武林后宫传 极限诱惑 后宫春春色 艳海风波 洛公子 浪漫官途 都市偷心龙爪手 都市花语 春满香夏 四合院:拳打易不群脚踢秦寡妇 我的修行人生! 艳福不浅 
经典收藏都市极乐后后宫 人生得意时须纵欢 魔艳武林后宫传 穿越豪门之娱乐后宫 御女天下 后宫春春色 浪漫官途 豪门风流秘史 少年大宝 极限诱惑 都市皇宫 渔港春夜 艳海风波 穿越家丁之百香国 都市花语 天龙风流之替身段誉 逍遥人生 独尊品香录 逍遥山村直播生活 异世归来,发现两个世界融合了? 
最近更新丹心碧血:老男人和三个女人 开局一万俯卧撑,秒杀宗师 打工江湖 官缘从挂职干部开始到高位 热芭:表哥别赚了,狗都成首富了 我有一个贬值万倍的团购软件 金手指?有系统?狠辣郡主直接拿刀捅 御兽化形:开局契约双胞胎姐妹花 只赚钱不谈情,职业舔狗我最行! 现在知道后悔了,早干嘛去了? 重生后我只想做海王 都市牧麟 修仙二十年,下山即无敌 寻宝:从前女友送的罗盘开始! 着急!我的美女客户都不穿黑丝 权力巅峰,从妻子背叛离婚开始 重生后的他变得没有了底线 剑域仙尊奶爸 归真十载,出谷便镇压万道 回到都市,这么多美女抓着我不放 
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